What to do in a job interview

Job interviews are a crucial step in the job search process. It is the moment in which you have the opportunity to demonstrate your skills, experience and cultural fit with the company. To help you succeed in your interviews, we've put together a list of valuable tips and strategies that will help you stand out and make a good impression on recruiters.

Most passionate people find the interview process a bit bewildering. You are meeting with someone who is judging you, judging your character, your work ethic, your past accomplishments, and your promise for the future. It's even worse if you're faced with a panel of faces and don't know where to look or who to turn to.


Here are the most important interview skills to focus on and how to make sure you project professionalism

– Preparation of the interview.
– Get to know the company.
– Speaking skills. (clear, cohesive, calm)
– Think first, speak second.
- Listening.
– Show interest, not despair.
- Show gratitude.

1. Preparation for the interview

Part of having a successful interview comes from taking the time to prepare. Recklessly rarely turns out well, and an interviewer can sense poor preparation from a mile away. So what should your preparation entail? We suggest that you reread the job description several times so that you can comfortably discuss the position and the requirements associated with it. Think about how you can illustrate the desired skills with the experience you have.

Review your resume and get to know him well. It's what got you to this point, so you impressed a recruiter with it. Just keep in mind that your interviewer may not have read it completely or may not remember it, so refresh your memory during your interview. One thing you can do to improve your chances is to make sure what you wrote on your resume matches what you say on the phone or your Zoom call (Skype, Google Meet, FaceTime, whatever).

We know eye contact is difficult on a video call, but there are a couple of things you can do to improve the impression you make. Take some time before your interview to set your camera to show you fully in front of the screen, and find a spot without concert posters or silly photos on the wall behind you. If necessary, blur the background to avoid distractions, but keep in mind that blurring consumes bandwidth.

According to Forbes, the professional trends of 2023 will move towards video interviews. This means that the interview process can take longer than ever. Employers are nervous about hiring someone they don't know in person, and now they can schedule three to eight interviews before making a decision.
By the way, dress head to toe in interview attire. This will not only prevent any mishap where a hiring manager sees your pajama bottoms, but it will put you in the right frame of mind.

Before you get an in-person interview, you may be required to pass a phone screening. Check out these phone interview FAQs to help you get over that hurdle. Research common job interview questions asked of candidates in your field. Take your time to formulate appropriate responses to those questions.

2. Get to know the company

Being prepared also means knowing the company or organization with which you are going to interview. You cannot answer the question “Why do you want to work here?” If you don't know anything about the company. Get an insight into their philosophy and how the business works. As? First, if you know someone in the company, talk to them. If not, check out the company's website, but also check out LinkedIn for more information. Also search Google for news articles or interviews with managers. It is better to have too much information than too little.

Consider writing down the information you want to mention in your interview because the act of physically writing helps you remember. It can also be helpful to have those notes in front of you if you are worried that your nervousness will get the better of you. Just make sure you're having a human conversation with the interviewer and not looking at your notes like it's a test. Remember, they are just as living and breathing a person as you are; )

Once you've done all of this, you'll feel ready, and feeling ready means you are.

3. Speaking skills

An interview is a lot like an acting audition. You should think about your speaking skills and work on them before the interview. The interview process can be a stressful experience, and because of this, many people talk fast, mumble, or speak too softly. This is NOT what you want to do. Take a deep breath and practice mindful speaking. Speak slowly, maintain a sense of calm, and remember that your interviewer should be able to hear every word you say without difficulty. If you speak slowly and confidently, your words will be better absorbed and your self-confidence will be admired.

You will be able to answer soft skills interview questions much more easily, or perhaps avoid being asked, if you demonstrate those communication and listening skills during your interview.

Eye contact is equally important. It connects you with your interviewers and also projects confidence. If too much eye contact makes you nervous, try looking at the interviewer's eyebrows or chin. It will still look like you are looking at his eyes. You can also practice in front of the mirror or with a friend to get used to eye contact.

4. Think first, speak second

It's okay to allow silence while you take a moment to collect your thoughts before answering a question. That will give you time to make a clear statement and stay calm.

If public speaking doesn't come naturally to you, that's fine, it rarely does to anyone. Try practicing in front of a mirror. It may seem strange, but believe us, it will eventually make you feel more comfortable. Give yourself some slack and be yourself (just a little more professional).

To help you speak, also remember your body language. Raising your spine and guiding your shoulders down and away from your ears not only shows confidence, but also helps you breathe easier and better project your voice. Speaking well also demonstrates your communication skills to hiring managers. If you can get your message across well during the stress of a job interview, it says a lot about your ability to communicate once you land the job.

5. Listen

There will be two people at your interview, maybe more. Showing your ability to be a good listener is incredibly important. This is not just an interview skill. Listening demonstrates your consideration and ability to work as a team. Also, if you don't practice good listening skills, you may miss the point of a question and give a less than impressive answer. Stay in the moment and give your interviewer the respect they deserve. Make eye contact and nod as you listen, and make sure you understand your interviewer's questions or comments.

Asking clarifying questions also shows you were paying attention and helps avoid the embarrassment of a misunderstanding. Try to think of the interview as a conversation. Keep in mind that employers may be trying to sell you the company just as much as you are trying to sell them. Hearing the important information will allow you to refer back to the information in subsequent responses, ask good follow-up questions, and decide if this is the right role for you. Don't forget, you don't just want to get out of your current job and move to a new job, you want the right job for you!

6. Show interest, not despair

It is one thing to be interested in a job and quite another to be desperate for a job. Despair impresses no one. Your job is to show sincere interest in the job at hand while demonstrating your excellent qualifications for said job. Approach each interview as if it were your dream job. It's hard when you really NEED the job, but remember that the best way to get it is through a great interview, not by appealing to your potential employer's guilt.

Your interviewer wants to hire the best candidate, not the most desperate candidate. As an interviewee, it is your job to present yourself as a highly qualified professional with the work experience that makes you a perfect fit for the position. That is what employers are looking for. No matter how badly you need the job, it is crucial that you refrain from begging or begging as it only creates an awkward and unprofessional situation. Be cool, calm and collected. Show self-confidence through your body language and eye contact. will be worth.

7. Show gratitude

Leave a big impression as you go.

Once your interview is over, it's important that you end it on a high note. You want your interviewer to think, “I'm putting that person at the top of my “Hire them!” list. list. Smile, say thank you, and reiterate your interest in the job if you can fit it organically. There may be an upcoming interview on the horizon and you want to be at the top of the callback list. Your interview skills are important, but so is your attitude.